Monday, December 25, 2006

They Met With Wednesday

A raven cawed on the branch outside the cabin. It cawed again and a second raven landed next to it. They looked at the cabin curiously. A well-lit fire flickered inside the cabin. A man stood near the fire. He had a staff which looked as though it had seen many years and many times. He had a beard and one eye. He stared down into the fire, waiting.
A young man entered the house after doing his daily chores. He nodded at the old man with the aged staff and his long beard as he entered the chicken. He placed his machete on the table and turned on the facet. He washed his bloody hand. The old man looked over at the young man. The young man only had one hand. In the background a wolf howled. It was the howl of a wolf tethered and bound.
“Father, when will they come?” said the young man.
“They will come when it is time, Son,” the old man said. “The others come only when it is time and never before. That is how it is done.”
They waited in silence. The old man stood in front of the fire, watching it and the young man cleaned his machete. The ravens cawed out and the wolf howled.
Laughter rang out, disturbing the ravens. A muscular man knocked onto the cabin door. The man slung his heavy hammer onto his soldier. He was a rugged sort. He had a beard and was built like a wood-cutter or a carpenter. He was taller than the young and old men. The young man opened the door for him and the ravens settled back down on their branch, peeved.
The muscular man dropped his hammer in the corner of the room and helped himself to a mug of beer.
“I see that you’ve been doing well, Father,” the man said. The old man looked over at his muscular son.
“I have done as well as I can, Son. Even with Him gone, it is still a hard life. Time goes on and so must I.” The muscular man nodded and drank his beer. He sat down in a chair next to the young man.
They waited again.
A woman knocked on the door of the cabin. The ravens cawed out to her. She smiled at them. As the young man opened the door and she entered, she pulled off her hood to her brown cloak. She took it off and put it on the coat rack. She had a necklace on. The men stared at her. She was amused and her smile showed it. She sat down on the couch. The men looked at each other.
“You seem well, Sirs,” she said.
“The same with you, Miss,” the old man said. The muscular man offered her his mug of beer which she declined.
They waited until the time.
The old man thumped his staff on the floor and looked outside. He said, “It is time Sons and Miss. We must go to Him now.” The men and woman did not look particularly pleased. The muscular man drained his mug and put it on the table near the machete. The young man picked up his machete and walked over to the door. He helped the woman put on her cloak and the muscular man found his hammer. The young man was the first to walk through the door, which he held open for the other three. The old man was next, followed the muscular man and the woman.
They walked down a path that led into the deep forest, a different path than the muscular man and the woman came from. They passed a wolf that was tied up and secured. He glowered at them. The ravens followed the group. In the background, two extra wolves howled out. They also followed the group through the forest. They walked and walked until they reached a clearing. A great and tall stake stood and a man was chained to it. He was slumped on the ground. He was bitten and cut and raw and naked. He looked wild. The old man was the first into the clearing and the wild man looked up at him in anger.
“It will come, Brother. It will come,” the wild man said. The old man smiled grimly.
“This was not why we came, Brother. It is your day. We will not speak of your release now,” the old man said.
Besides the great stake and the wild man, there was a heptagram carved into the ground forever. It was a star with seven points and the stake was positioned at one of the points on the star. The young man walked up the point that was two points away from the wild man. The old man stood next to the young man and three points from the wild man. The muscular man stood next to the old man and the woman next to him and the wild man. Two points were missing people.
They waited.
The sun shown brightly. It was midday and the brightest it has ever been. It was not day, but light. It was the sun. The symbol of the sun re-carved itself on the point next to the wild man. It was a circle with a dot in the middle of it. The light began to fade. There was no sunset. They all waited.
It was darkness, a bright dot of silver shown through the blackness. It was the moon at its best. All one could see was the moon. A shaft of moonlight re-carved the symbol of the moon onto the last point on the star. It was in-between the sun symbol and the young man. The light began to fade. There was nothing. They waited.
The symbol of sun glowed. It was a light that was not quite light.
The symbol of the moon glowed. It was a light that was not quite light.
The young man took his machete and stabbed it through the ground at his place on the star. There was a light that was not quite light.
The old man took his staff and speared it down at his place on the star. There was a light that was not quite light.
The muscular man took his hammer and slammed it down at his place on the star. There was a sound of thunder and a light that was not quite light.
The woman took off her necklace and dropped at her place on the star. There was a light that was not quite light.
The wild man glowered but spit at his place on the star. There was a light that was not quite light.
The three men and the woman took back their possessions and the symbols began to fade. The wild man sat at his stake. The Week was made.
A/N: This was, to those unfamiliar, based around the fact that the weekdays were named because of the Norse gods. Tuesday: Tyr's Day, Wednesday: Odin's Day, Thursday: Thor's Day, Friday: Frejya's Day. Saturday is named after Saturn but it is sometimes refered to Loki's Day (but it isn't set in stone). Sunday is obviously Sun's Day and Monday is Moon's Day. I wasn't sure if I wanted to personify the Sun and Moon, but decided against it. I forget exactly where the heptagram came from. Oh well.
Ever since I read Gaiman's October in the Chair, I wanted to write a story about the weekdays. I wasn't actually going to write it like this, but having it as a creation story was formed instead. Of course this wasn't actually how the Norse created the week. I have no clue how they did so (otherwise I would tell you). The reason why it is called They Met With Wednesday is because Odin is the All-Father (in other words the patriarch of the Norse mythology or the Zeus, you could say).
I was listening my new CD that I got from my father today (for Christmas). It is Neil Gaiman ~ Where's Neil When You Need Him? Nice CD. I like it a lot and one of my favourite tracks is Even Gods Do, We Won't Go and Coraline by Rasputina. They sort of influenced me to write it like this. (And sorry, no real Christmas fiction... only this).

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Author's Preface: On Fairytales

Folktales and fairytales dictate that if a young child is to wander into the deep wood; they are going to run into trouble. Most typically with a wolf or an old witch or trolls under bridges or fairy things or tricky mean-spirited shape-shifters to run into on unfortunate times. Only in fairy tales do the children run upon trouble, for in real life these wolves and witches and trolls and faeries and tricksters do not distinguish between child and adult, but enjoy their fortune (and the wanderer’s misfortune) of a tasty little snack. So while our tales give sound advice to children, many adults forget to take heed of it themselves. Therefore here is a tale, not for children, but for adults, who often do not take heed of their own sound advice.

A/N: I am going to talk about the preface and the first chapter here because the chapter is was too long to add on a note.

Basically the book (which has no name at the moment) is about a man who messes up rather badly, breaking all codes of morality, and pays for his mistake. He is selfish, cold and uncharitable: that type of cliche. He finds himself in the middle of the forest (that gets explained, so don't worry) and ends up at Baba Yaga's house. Unlike typical tales for children, everything is 'complicated', much like adult life (in reality, it isn't as complicated as it all seems, everyone just thinks it is). Baba Yaga, instead of cooking him as she normall does, helps him (sort of). The really confusing bit is that he is dead. It's not really his body that enters the house, but his mind in the body of a demon (or imp or something of minor importance that is fairly unpleasant). That's about the gist of it, anyways.

There isn't much for my o say on the preface, but I kept want to write 'tricksy' instead of 'tricky'. But on to the first chapter: I did not mean to create Alice. She just appeared and I was very confused. She sort of took control in the beginning. I was just not going to have a secretary but perhaps police or the inspector. I like her though.

There was a bit of problem with throwing in the fairtale. I didn't know which to do, for one. I needed to introduce the concept of the Baba Yaga but also I didn't want to make it too childish. I suppose that's an oxymoron (or word I can never quite remember). After all, talking things appear right after it. The original fairytale had a dog talking and some other bits that I took the liberty to take out. I also did not want to make it too long. I wanted a simple and page or two long tale. The original version did not have it at all, but Ross (and I) felt I should have one.

The house was a lot different in the beginning, too. Gate and Cat never really changed. The house originally did everything that the fairytales told of: spinning around, chicken legs, screeching, no doors or windows. I felt that the house no longer had a personality any more once I did all that. I decided to scratch out the spinning and to keep a door. Now it is a very bored hut with the mind-set of a chicken.

Chapter ONE: In Which the Main Character Finds Himself Perplexed and the Female Lead is Enraged

The body was found two days after his death, amongst the forests of New York State. It was a cold, snow-free wintry day. A mid-December feel, except the month was actually October. Even the slight joy of up-coming holidays was present, for a rather morbid and obscure reason. Not many are overjoyed by a man’s death. In this case, the poor were the rare overjoyed. For the coldest bastard of a man, Theodore Wrensky, was dead.
The body was recovered three days after he had died and five days after he was found missing. The search party was given a clue as to where he quite possibly went by an irate taxi-cab driver, who had the man run out on him without paying. After driving a quite some distance, the driver had realised quite precisely who the man was, and then confirmed it by the wallet that was left behind (which was devoid of money, much to the dismay of the driver).
By the time they had found him, he was stiff, and not the usual cold stiffness of a high-end, stressed and depended upon large corporate businessman, but of a long since used, chilled and completely dead ordinary human body. What was different from the ordinary human body part was the lack of touch on his person.
Unlike most living (or in this case, dead) things, he remained untouched. The sort of dead body that all detritivores and carnivores came together to discuss and eventually formed a census on not to touch it. The only scratch on his body that they found was a small cut on his knee, which ruined his muddy suit pants even further. It was from running a mile and a half straight into a forest that would eventually, if he had kept running, reach deep into the Catskill Mts.
The body was brought back two hours after the news had reached the Miss Alice McKensey, who was even more enraged when told to identify the body. Alice McKensey was Mr. Wrensky’s private secretary, who did more than what she was paid for. She had no love and positively no like for the man, but did so just out of duty (and she was full of that). She had long reflections on why she stayed with him, and she decided that not only did it not matter, but she did not even begin to wish why. All she knew was that her boss had the severe tendency to skip out on the many meetings and visits she planned for him, and for that, she was always furious with the man. He even had the nerve to run out (quite literally, this time) of the most current of many meetings.
She stood outside the meat-packing factory, leaning against the Rolls Royce of a raven colour, deep black with a shiny purple undertone. She shivered and hugged herself further into her fur-lined coat, which was a “present” from Mister Wrensky, and only because he was annoyed by her middle class everyday coat which she wore everywhere. Annoyed with the image she brought upon herself, he gave it to her to make himself look better. She didn’t mind wearing it because it was warm and very comfortable, much more than her previous one.
She looked around, and noticed a man had exited the building. He was walking over, and most definitely was able to note her fine clothing. She sighed, puffing out steam. She moved off of the car and walked over to meet the man.
He had an apologetic and saddened look on his face. “Sorry to make you come all the way out here, Miss McKensey. We’re not allowed to take him out of the county, I’m afraid.” She gave the head cop a slight quizzical look. “Suspected foul play. We’re going to need a few statements and an alibi from you, too.” He paused for a moment, and went on, “I’m the inspector here, Inspector Charlie Kent.”
“Yes, well, state-level I presume?” He was about to say so when she cut in, “I don’t care. Not while we’re standing outside, too cold to do that.” He smiled acknowledging and nodded for her to follow, and they walked towards the door he came out of. He looked over at the woman as he held the door open for her who looked very much in control, emotionally and professionally.
Two men were standing inside, waiting. One was a tall man of deep ebony matte and there was a smaller man with a French body-type. Neither of them looking entirely too happy, which was rather reasonable. They were both cold, in the middle of Nowhere, New York in a meat-packaging factory and it was just plain, good manners to be solemn when there were dead people and their grieving friends and family around.
Alice looked around and gave a polite nod to the two men. She followed the inspector through the corridors and finally to a room. Alice noted to herself that it looked like where they cut the meat, which gave her a chill completely unrelated to the freezing cold of the room.
Sitting there on the table in the middle of the room was a white sheet which formed a fairly human-esque figure. The inspector walked forward, giving her a moment to regain her wits. She nodded for the go-ahead and he pulled the sheet away from the man’s head. Alice stared.
“I know it’s tough, Miss McKensey, but bare with me. Does this look like Mister Theodore Wrensky?” His voice was kind but rough. Alice nodded.
“Yes, it certainly looks like him, just never thought the man could die.”
There was once a man who had a daughter. His wife died quite some time ago and he remarried. The new wife had a daughter also. The new wife did not like the husband’s daughter and so the daughter had a very hard time.
One day the father brought his daughter out into the woods and found a little hut standing on a chicken leg. He called out “Little hut, little hut, stand with your back to the woods and your front to me!” The hut turned around and out cam Baba Yaga (a little irate, she was in the middle of making tea and it spilled over when the hut moved).
“I smell a Russian!” she said, and that was by no means a complement. She wasn’t fond of Russians. They kept coming over and interrupting things.
The father bowed to Baba Yaga and said, “Baba Yaga, I have brought my daughter to be your servant.”
Baba Yaga was rightly pleased with that, she did have some things that needed to be done. She looked the daughter over, a little scrawny but manageable. “Very well, she shall serve me. I will reward her for it.” The father left.
Baba Yaga gave the girl a basket of yarn to spin, told her to make fire for the stove and dinner, then she left. The daughter attempted to spin the thread but failed and broke down crying. A handful of mice came running out and asked for some gruel. The daughter said, “If I give you gruel, then spin my yarn.” The mice did not have anything better to do and so did. They were rewarded and the daughter managed everything by the time Baba Yaga came home.
When Baba Yaga came home, she ordered the daughter to give her a bath. After that was done, the daughter received several fine dresses. The next day, Baba Yaga gave the girl even harder tasks. Again the mice ran out and asked for gruel and they made the same deal. The maiden received even more fine dresses.
One day the father sent out to find his daughter (and see if she is still alive). He found his daughter well and happy. The step-daughter was jealous of the many fine dresses and the step-mother ordered her to head off to the Baba Yaga’s house (much to the annoyance of the poor old woman).
The Baba Yaga gave her the same orders she gave the daughter and left again. The girl started weeping (the family never was good at spinning yarn). The mice ran out, hoping for a little gruel, but when the step-daughter saw them, she killed them with a rolling pin. She never got the spinning done.
When the Baba Yaga returned, she was irate. Not only were these Russians bothering her but they were getting more and more useless. She was already missing some gruel. She killed the step-daughter and put her bones into a basket (the meat was hung). The husband went to pick the daughter up but was handed only a basket.
A raven’s caw sounded. It was evening or late afternoon. All he knew was that it was dark, but that could have been from the trees and heavy clouds and not the sun creeping away towards the other parts of the Earth. He was sitting up and contemplating on his next move. He was very fond of that idea, but the raven called again and he knew that it would not be possible. His option was to stand up, and that was it.
He brushed himself self off, being a bit muddy, and looked over to where the raven was standing in a tree. The raven ruffled its feathers and cawed again. The man looked up at the bird and threw a nearby rock at it. He missed. The bird paused to look at him and flew off, making what sounded remarkably like a laugh. Annoyed, the man turned and walked in the different direction, walked in what he hoped was a way out of the forest.
It was not that he did not like the forest. Sure it was muddy and full of pesky flea-ridden beasts, but it was dark and creepy. A place you would find imps and demons and monsters. A place to scare little children with and he liked that. It made him feel powerful. More powerful than he already was, that is. It just made him happy, and yet he had to leave it. It was not an option. It was like some profound and god-like being ordered him to move and never to rest and that he had no option to disobey it. So he moved.
He left the glen and pushed around bushes until he came upon a path. It was no real path of clean-make and of dirt (or rocks, as some prefer) or widened for people to walk upon with ease. It was a path that had over-brush and rocks and tree roots and was completely unnoticeable to those who were not meant to move along the path. It was a rare and unfindable path that was meant for only one way, person and use. This specific path was for this man to find his way to a house and after that, it would disappear into trees, rocks and any manner of such things.
It took a small manner of difficulty to move along the path, only because he wished to keep his suit as clean as possible. This was already a hard task, for it was soiled from him being on the ground so long. It felt as though the brambles and branches were reaching out and grabbing a hold of him the further he went and that the rocks and roots were tripping him up more and more as he walked. Annoyed and stubborn, he walked on.
Alice was wondering why she was here. The man was the inspector of her boss’s death, after all. She did not even like him. He was too fatherly and she was not fond of her father. She picked up her coffee and sipped it.

“I know it is hard at a time like this, but I do need an alibi. You were the closest person to Mister Wrensky and it will be hard. It would just be better if you found an alibi quick.”

“Inspector, I already have an alibi. It is rather simple and very hard to be. I had just finished setting up the next month’s agenda and printed it out when I got a call that he never showed up to his meeting. I called his phone several times and at all possibly locations. After I could not reach him, I drove over to the meeting room. Look on my phone bill or ask the people I reached instead of Mister Wrensky or look at the security tape that watched me call all these numbers. I was most certainly not anywhere near him. I was in my office all day.” The inspector nodded.

“Yes, we will need to check those tapes.” He said, “I did not bring you out to this diner just to talk about your alibi or legal things. I came to make sure you are OK.” The waitress came around and put a plate of scrambled eggs, some pancakes and bacon in front of the inspector and a plate of toast in front of Alice’s.

“I am fine, inspector. He was my boss and was not a very kind one. If it wasn’t for being out of job, I would not care. He never showed me much kindness, only worried about his self image.” The inspector nodded.

“Is there anyone to contact? I know his parents are dead and his brother is gone. No uncles or cousins you know of?”

“No,” Alice said. “He really wasn’t a family person. He mainly just worked. There were no calls on his birthday or the holidays from family or friends. He didn’t have much of anybody, sad really.”
Finally, the man reached his unknown destination. He looked back and the path melded into the trees and bushes and rocks and things. He looked forward.
What the man saw was a house, a hut, rather. A hut with no doors and no windows (in truth, there was a door, just not visible until it wished to be so), which was rather sensible if it was left to that. For it was also a hut with chicken legs (one in each corner) that was shifting from foot to foot, scratching here and there and shifting around in its paddock. It looked bored. The man stared.
“Staring at it in that stupefied expression doesn’t do you or it any good, you know.” said a quick and haughty voice next to the man, who was trying to collect his thoughts. He looked over to his right and was not so much surprised, but confused (and his lack of surprise perplexed him). Standing there, looking up at him was a surly black cat. “And staring at me doesn’t do much good either, mister.”
Coming back from his daze, the hero retorted in a more pompous manner than he had intended, “Perhaps, then, you ought to stop talking! Act like a real cat and meow, beg for a bit of meat. Act as you should. It’s unnatural and should cause staring. Look at that house, even. It has chicken legs! ”
The cat rolled its eyes and walked towards the hut, calling back, “Then should you not act as you should? You are as every bit as ‘unnatural’ as I am, good sir.” Perplexed, the man followed the cat until they were both standing in front of the gate and fence that surrounded the hut.
Quite like the hut, the gate and fence was just as abnormal (or unnatural, as our hero would say). It was ivory-white, a bleach bone colour. On closer inspection, it was actually made of bone (and when our hero leaned in, he realised that they were very human). Upon every post was a human skull except on one to the exact right of the gate, which was bare, almost waiting for the next unlucky visitor to come by.
The man reached his hand forward to touch the bone fencing to a spot not far from the left of the gate. “They’re quite tired of that, little one,” The keyhole of in the middle of the gate moved and mouthed the words, “Tired of it, indeed.” The gate huffed. The man stopped and looked at the gate surprised. A cat and a moving house he could deal with. After all, houses could move in this day and age, praise technology and profoundly rich people with realism issues, and cats were just cats. He had never understood cats. They could talk for all he knew. However a gate made out of human bones was talking to him. And not only had this gate spoken to him, but it had called him “little one”. For all he knew, he was not the type to be called little one like a small child being talked down to by an aged and pompous adult.
“Might as well go ahead and listen to him. Not much good in risking it. S’not like those bones are standing of their own free will. Take any chance to bring in another to share their pain. Misery loves company and all that,” the cat said.

The gate sniffed in a bored manner, “Oh yes, misery and all that. You know what’s miserable? Not those wankers up on the fence, I’ll tell you that. It’s good ol’ sturdy Gate. Oh sure, people come and see me, but it’s only to use me, only to get to that bloody house. You should see it when it gets riled up. Means we have to keep the bugger in. It runs hard and fast, too. It screeches, too. You haven’t had the chance to hear it yet, little master, but stick around long enough and you will. Oh, you will. Hurts my ears.” Gate continued to rant on about his poor old self and the always moving, unhappy bone-fence as his face, or rather him, creaked and groaned, bones moving how bones never would do so normally and all doing so to form an overly dramatic and loud gate.
The cat looked up at the man and said, “Oh, don’t mind him just old, creaky Gate. His bones won’t take you. Just push on through. I feel up for a fine mouse or two. Talking to him always gets me hungry,” the cat stalked away and disappeared, not without looking back and adding, “Watch for that keyhole though. Get your hand too close and he’ll snap it off. He doesn’t get to eat much, you know.”
The man watched the cat disappear before turning back to Gate, who was still ranting angrily, only this time about a little girl named Vasilissa and her sticky, filthy fingers. Not sure of what else to do, he furtively pushes the gate, making sure not to get anywhere near the keyhole (or mouth, both and whichever) and walked into the lawn.
The grass was craggily and dry: dead and crispy under the man’s feet. He stopped in front of the shifting hut, unsure of what to do. All he knew was that he wished to enter it. He did not even know if he wished this freely or if it belonged to someone else and they passed the desire on to him. He knew that he did not care whose desire it is, but just that he did what it desired. And now, besides wanting to enter the hut, he longs to make it stop screeching.
“Stop it!” he tries. This did not work, mainly because, as everyone knows, houses and homes and huts do not have ears. He attempted again, adding a “now”.
“Open sesame?” No luck.
“Allow me to enter?” No change.
“Cease!” he shouts. In the background, he can hear Gate continuously talking. He sighs and looks around for help, looking for, just maybe, a magic biscuit or mushroom. At least Miss Wonderland had help, he thought. He made a face and spoke the nonsense that suddenly ran through his mind:
Turn your back to the forest, your front to me.

The hut stopped scuttling and stumbled only slightly to keep its balance and sat down. Our hero was only pleased for a second, for while he had stopped the hut, there was still a problem of entering. He tried the door, but it was locked. It had no windows.
Like a dog kicked out of the house, he sat down against the wall. He sat like this for a while, when suddenly there was a noise, a muffled noise of someone shuffling around. He moved away from the door, which busted open with a bang.
The first thing he noticed was a nose looking out of the doorway. Upon a second look it was a tall, gangly, infinitely aged woman with a long nose. She had wild, wiry hair that is a grey colour and a scraggily long dress that looked of leaves and coloured in many Earthy dead tones. Not morbidly dead, but a leafy, dirt death. She glares at the man.
“Ah, you’re not him. You look like him. Oh you do indeed, laddie. But no, you’re not him. You’re not proud an’ tall. He always holds himself like that. But don’t get me wrong, you’re a git alright. You wouldn’t be here is you weren’t. You’re just not that git,” she gives a pause to look closer at the man and made a clucking noise. “Now, state your purpose. I don’t have all day, you know. This old lady has too many plans to be bothered by some new troubled youngster.”
The man was unsure of what to say, for he had no real purpose, of course. He just came upon a path (just for him), talked to a cat and passed through a talking and potentially dangerous gate and, on a strange whim, ordered a house to stop moving. He realised, when taking this into perspective that it was all very wrong and unnatural. He did not know what, but there was something he could not remember.
“Advice! I’ve come for advice,” he figured this to be the safest choice. Everyone gets advice asked from them at one point in their life. What advice, he could not decide. How to get out of the forest, he thought. It wasn’t a complete lie, a little white lie. He wanted to exit the forest and he found someone to ask, perfect.
The old woman made a disgruntled face, obviously not pleased by this answer, “All you humans ever want is advice and advice and advice. Maybe a little bread and a bed here and there, but after that, it’s all the same. What is it this time, it couldn’t be much. You don’t have many ties, not anymore.” The man furrowed his eyebrows at her, confused and curious. He opened his mouth to speak, but she interrupted, “Be quiet. Don’t ask unnecessary questions. Never ask unnecessary questions. It only does harm to the person being asked. Now if you want advice, and bread and bed, you obviously need it, then come in. My house must always be open to visitors. Whether you’re pure of heart or not, is another matter, my dear. For your poor soul, I wish you are. It would make everything easier for the whole of us.”
He paused, only for a moment. He entered the hut.

Zerfall - Mastered

There were chattering and murmurs coming from the double doors leading to the dining room of the mansion. One of the female servants stopped pushing the trolley to stop and straighten a cup and brush down her dress. She pulled a stray hair out of her face and was about to open the door when she heard a voice behind her, which caused her to jump. She looked around and was surprised to see a man in a fine, crisp colonel uniform completed with every adornment and award given to colonels. “Excuse me?”. She had been busy preparing herself that she had not heard what he had said.
“Would you mind me getting the door? I am late to my meeting and imagine how embarrassing it would be for the coffee servant to enter and I did nothing to help? As the colonel and head of this station, it is my duty to continue in gentlemanly acts.” She remained expressionless for a few moments, unable to comprehend his tone behind what he had said. Was he being cold, rude and manipulative, or was he just the type to state a matter of fact and was acting with her as his equal? He remained to wait for some sort of response, it seemed and she nodded, seeing no reason to decline the offer.
The man opened the door and allowed her to enter first. He walked over to the head of the table, as every sombre, serious official stood. The servant began placing down her coffee cups, starting with the head. To the man’s right, was a man in lieutenant’s uniform, with his nametag claiming his name to be “Lovecraft”. He held a seemingly bemused face, most likely because the colonel was late, and addressed the man, “So, our high and honourable Colonel Xavier Norris finally came meet with us?”
Colonel Xavier smirked and said, “Well, I was hoping to meet all that boring and dull stuff. You know I can’t stand meetings. Nothing interesting ever happens, Lovecraft.”
Colonel Xavier was given his coffee and turned to his front. He looked at all the men who sat at this table. They were the men brave enough to enter take the hardest position anyone had from the East Union Empire: guarding a captured country. They had all came to this country because they were assured that they would be given extra troops within time. However the EUE not only refused extra troops but stopped all communications from the surviving soldiers. The EUE was to forget that there was ever any military camp within this small, insignificant country. Colonel Xavier took another sip.
He allowed the men to talk for a while, mingling and calming nerves. He did not catch what they were saying and nor did he care. Finally he stood up and all the chatter stopped. The meeting was to commence again. Colonel Xavier cleared his throat and began reciting the typical procedure of all military EUE meetings. “By the name of our Empire, these lands shall be protected with our ever-giving devotion. Defeat is not an option. Cowardice is not permissible. Our heart and body shall remain strong as the strength of our Great Lion. All Hail East Union Empire!” He said this in a flat and bored voice. He sat down. The men sat down. Lovecraft raised his eyebrows at the Colonel.
“Is that not too sacrilegious to speak the words of commencement at a meeting such as this, Colonel? After all, our plan is rather cowardice.
“Lieutenant Lovecraft, if our plan is cowardice then perhaps it ought to change? I am not any more fond of cowardice than the Great Lion is. Of course I do not agree with him on much more points other than that of war.” Colonel Xavier arched his eyebrows at Lovecraft, who looked exasperated at the colonel.
“Of course, sir. I do know how you feel. I still believe it wrong to use those words here, especially if the country-folk hear it.”


Colonel Xavier entered the kitchen silently. He pulled a bag out of his pocket. The bag held a powder. He opened a cupboard and took out a tin box at the very back. He opened it up and place the bag in the tin box. He looked around and placed the tin back. He walked over and took some bread and left the kitchen.


Lovecraft opened the door to the Colonel’s balcony. Colonel Xavier was staring out into the mountainous forest. Lovecraft walked forward, a bottle of vodka in his hand. He asked, “Enjoying to view?” Colonel Xavier nodded.
“The wolves call. The moon does not shine. The wind whistles silently behind every tree and rustles the leaves behind your back.” Colonel Xavier looked at his lieutenant. “The bravest and stupidest of the country-folk do not dare enter the forest. Even our own men, when in battle, would do everything but enter those mountains. Why do you think that is?” Lovecraft had nothing to say and, so he sipped his vodka. “It is no fairytale. What is out there is real and it is powerful. The whole of East Union Empire could not take it down. That, whatever it is, is truly beautiful.” Lovecraft stayed silent but looked to his colonel. His eyes shown with eagerness. He radiated cruel happiness.


Two maids were preparing the coffee when the head of the maids, Isra, relieved them. “Have rest, you will need it”, she had told them. All she really wanted to do was be alone with the coffee. As soon as they were gone, she went into the cupboard and took out a tin box from the back. She distributed the powder into each cup and pushed the trolley out of the kitchen and down the hall. She knocked on the door. Colonel Xavier appeared where the door was once closed. He held the door open as she entered. She gave a nod and said, “Thank you, colonel.” He nodded back and sat down.
Lovecraft looked to Colonel Xavier as he was handed his coffee. “What do you believe we should do, if not run away? I tell you, there are not many options.” Lovecraft took a sip. A raven cawed outside. The Colonel smiled as he took his coffee. He tilted his head at Lovecraft and looked outside.
Lovecraft gave him a puzzled look and turned around as he sipped his coffee. He furrowed his brow and stared at the trees in horror. There were many young men donning their EUE uniforms hanging. All of the foot soldiers left were hanging; all of the soldiers were dead.
The Colonel smiled eerily, his eyes shining. “What odd fruit the trees of these parts grow, Lovecraft. This country ceases to amaze me.” Lovecraft turned back to the Colonel.
“What do you mean by this? What has this accomplished?” he said in awe.
“By this? Oh, just a means of disposal. I did not need them. I have my own squadron now, Lovecraft. None of the old EUE men are needed and nor are they wanted.” To the left of them, one of the men began to gag. He stumbled out of his chair and threw up on the carpet. He tried to gag again but fell, twitching. The rest of the men began to gag. Lovecraft took out his pistol and aimed it at the Colonel, who was still smiling.
Lovecraft stumbled forward as he pulled the trigger. There was a loud bang and Lovecraft’s pistol was in Isra’s hand. The bullet had entered the ceiling missing its mark completely. Lovecraft managed to say “Monster!” before he fell to the ground, dead. The Colonel arched his eyebrows and moved his foot away from Lovecraft. He looked outside. A raven cawed out as more flocked to the odd tree-fruits.
The Colonel stood up and walked forward. He stared out at the ravens momentarily before spinning around quickly. Isra followed him. The Colonel kept walking until he was facing the start of the forest. Isra had taken off her peasant’s dress and was now wearing tight pants and shirt. She stood to the right of the Colonel. He turned towards the woman next to him. She was his second-in-command. Her name was Yamin; Isra was the name she took from a missing maid. The Colonel looked past the opening through the trees and to the wide expanse of forbidden forests and mountains. Behind him stood the trees with odd fruit and a manor of poisoned coffee left out for foolish rats.

“Zerfall is a beautiful thing, Yamin. Decay is, after all, the basis of war.”

A/N: The three astericks are the breaks. Originally I had some fancy squiggle, butblogger cannot handle it too well.

It might seem a little rushed, I hope not, though. I wrote this at the beginning of September but kept re-writing it. Each one was relatively different from each other, so I put in subtitles. This is the final and fourth one. There was the original, visited, re-visited and then mastered. This one is much less detailed in other people other than Lovecraft, Isra/Yamin and Xavier.

The names all meant something, so it was a little hard to throw them all away. Lovecraft was the most random of all. The name was from the author. I just like the name, I think. It could have reflection or some sort of meaning, but I really didn't intend. I just couldn't think up a grand and wonderful name. (Sorry to disappoint, HAHA).

Isra means 'riches' and is Arabic (depends were you get the information, I suppose. I just looked it up on which put it as 'riches', but I was originally told that it meant 'peace'). Xavier means 'new house' and is Spanish. Yamin means 'right hand' and is Hebrew.

Outline of the Indict

Year One: Introduction, Ex-major Ophelia Courts

Year Two: Jeremy Tindelman medical report

Year Three: Conversation between Ophelia and Lydia

Year Four: The first of its Kind, Time Travel

Year Five: Colonel Jack Sumner medical report

Year Six: 50th Failed Experiment

Year Seven: DNA News

Year Eight: Leaving the Lab

Year Nine: The First Surviving Egg

Year Ten: The Meeting

Year Eleven: The Influenza

Year Twelve: It Returns

Year Thirteen: Detention

Year Fourteen: Working Together

The Indict: The End and the Beginning and the Middle

What is the disease?
Year Two, Five, Seven, Eight, Ten, Eleven, The Indict

How does the machine work/is build?
Year Three, Four, Six, Nine, Twelve, Thirteen, The Indict

What is the journey forward?
Year Fourteen, The Indict

What about the colony itself?
Year One, Indict

Dr Heind Dies
Dr Lydia Dies
DNA News Report

A/N: I just liked the names for each year, really. It's sort of like a 'reader's guide' to the story. I'm just putting it up here for my amusement.

The Indict

Year One

We heard the news, all of us. All of the people on the world heard it. It was not so much of a broadcast across the papers and the television and the internet, but it was a broadcast through the Homo sapiens DNA. We all heard the news.

I was the prominent world-leading scientist’s assistant. Because of that, I survived. She did not. Her name was Lydia Chovsky. She dealt in time, space, the continuum and travel of. Not many would consider this to be the world-leading branch on the Earth, but unbeknownst to the common humans, it was. It saved the species, after all.

She was the head of the physics department, but she was also on the Council. Dr Lydia was witness to much odd and sometimes ‘fun’ experimentation. Dr Heind was a close friend of hers and he tended to ask her to witness an unusual medical examination, experiment or surgery. She often wrote her own reports, just in case Dr Heind became invalid.

I met her by ‘chance’ when a wild theory of mine got me noticed by the USN, or the United Science of Nations. It is alright to tell you this now; the organisation has been out of power for one hundred and twenty years. Everything has been out of power for one hundred and twenty years.

That was how long it would take before Earth was safe. Certain things needed to die, to be killed off. A team of the top medical doctors calculated it to be seventy years, but we wanted to be sure, really sure. That was how long for this disease to pass through the rest of the remaining population and for those infected to die off. There was no vaccine for this disease, much like the past SARS and bird flu and AIDS and certain cases of cancer and the many prions out there.
There might still be small pockets or groups here and there, in the most remote of places, but I don’t think we need to worry about that now. I hope that is the case, at least. It will not go without testing, of course. I do not rely on hope anymore. I cannot do that. As Leader, I cannot. I wish I could, just like those primordial Homo sapiens could. With all I have seen, I believe there are still pockets of the Diseased. Diseases do not like to die. Nothing does.

Year Two

Subject: Jeremy Tindelman
Age: 7
Height: 4’ 3”
Weight: 100 lbs.
Patient Number: 25717

Observations: At 0200, Patient 25717 was shown into the lab. He had convulsions, similar to epilepsy. The patient was strapped down. Blood was drawn. Fifteen minutes later Dr Heind began the examination. The patient responded violently towards light, especially when flashed in his eyes. Five minutes later, at 0230, the convulsions raised in intensity. Heart rate was at 200 and rapidly increasing. The patient spewed blood, all orifices bled. The patient’s left eye and aorta burst and veins popped, causing massive internal bleeding. The heart was left indescribable: one massive hole and the cells left completely indistinguishable. The lungs had several punctures and filled with blood. The liver was ripped to pieces. The spine and chest cavity held blood. The bone marrow was liquid, completely destroyed. The brain liquefied and leaked through the ears, nose, mouth and down through the throat. Dr Heind took several blood samples. Dr Mendelssohn and Dr Klein took several biopsies.

Blood Sample 1: Taken at 0205. No signs of viral or bacterial infections. The dissected platelets held an unidentified protein.

Blood Sample 2: Taken at 0235, from the chest cavity. No viral or bacterial infections, like sample 1. An abnormal amount of platelets.

Blood Sample 3: Taken at 0235, from the head. Same as sample 2.

Blood Samples 4-10 are the same as sample 2 and 3: Taken from the lungs, heart, bone marrow and spine.

Biopsy from heart: Cells were destroyed, indistinguishable. It was nothing like human or any other animal cell recorded. Cells were crushed into a mass, nuclei destroyed beyond recognisable.

Biopsy of brain: Stems cells were elongated and most were broken into several pieces. They were recognisably stem cells.

Biopsy of liver: Cells torn apart. Almost like the heart cells, however several cell organs were left intact while there were very few whole cells.

Dr Lydia Chovsky, 2006.

Year Three

I entered Dr Lydia’s office with a sheet of permission. I handed it to her. She skimmed over it and looked up at me from the sheet. She raised an eyebrow. “You believe that you are ready to begin experimentation, Major Courts? We have very bad luck with your line of work, you do realise that.”
I nodded and shifted position. “Yes, I do realise that. But Dr Chovsky, you know what a great deal this is to me. I have read over the past files and I cannot find fault in my machine. I do not believe it will bring attention to us from the government. If you are that unsure, then look over my work. Look over the diagrams and my notes.”
She looked faintly bemused. “I will sign this, Major, but remember that if this machine brings the government to our doorstep, you will disappear forever. There is no going back.” I nodded. I knew what I was dealing with here. I gave up my life to pursue this line of work and I was finally getting close enough to the final stages. “However I am pleased that you are making progress, Major. If you did not show a result within a year, you would be in a very dangerous position.”

Year Four

I walked around the machine and looked over at the desk smothered with blueprints. I sighed with the pleasure of finishing a great task and touched the machine. I walked over to the incubator in the right corner and held up an egg, my first of many-to-come subjects. I opened the hatch of the machine and placed the egg inside.

I entered the closet which held a few lab coats, a radiation apron or two and many various types of helmets. I picked up a hefty steel welding visor and lugged a radiation helmet onto me. I picked up thick gloves made of the same materials as my apron. I walked over to the blast room and began setting the controls up. I flipped the switch that turned on that warning red light outside the lab room. I began my work: watching lights flicker, flipping switches, and finally switching on the important and gigantic lever that diverted the power to the machine. Light indicated it worked and the machine disappeared.

The machine reappeared. I checked the radiation levels in the room and all other sort of levels that could possibly endanger my being. I opened the hatch to the machine as Dr Lydia entered the room and looked around. She raised an eyebrow and said, “The… fiftieth one, I presume?”

Year Five

Subject: Colonel Jack Sumner
Age: 35
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 167 lbs.
Patient Number: 25721

Observations: Patient 25721 entered room at 1450 hours. Heart rate was at 120 and patient was tensed. There was slight convulsing. We took a blood sample. The patient was not able to make any form of speech, but made grunting noises. The patient responded to our questions, but was unable to speak. The patient developed a twitch, located in the neck and right arm. Dr Heind commenced the stimuli test done on Patient 25717. Similar results, especially to the light. As time passed, the patient began jerk and twitch. Convulsions worsened. Heart rate increased to 180. The patient began sweating profusely. The grunts became more like screams, showing pain. Fifteen minutes later, at 1505 hours, patient’s right eye exploded and heart rate stabilised at 195. The patient began jerking at his straps. Dr Heind’s assistant took a blood sample without luck. The patient refused to cooperate or could not. He drooled and his eyes seemed crazed. He started screaming. He began to attempt to rip out of his bondages without any luck. The patient’s heart rate went up to 200 and past. The convulsions started again, worse. The patient began to throw up blood. Blood started leaking through the ear, nose, tear-ducts and anal orifices. The brain began to leak out the patient’s nose. The patient died at 1523 hours. Autopsy showed that the heart was thoroughly worn through and aorta was ripped. A few ventricles in the stomach and lungs broke, leading to the throwing up of blood. Some vessels in the brain also broke and also the brain itself had begun to liquefy. Another blood sample was taken.

Blood Sample 1: High adrenaline. A foreign protein was detected in the platelets.

Blood Sample 2: High adrenaline and a high count of platelets, although less than that of Patient 25717’s count.

Blood Sample 3: Same as sample 2.

Biopsy of Aorta and Heart: Both had same results, the cells had begun to break apart when the heart stopped.

Dr Lydia Chovsky, 2007.

Year Six

Dr Lydia walks into the lab and picks up the nearest jumble of burnt mass of wires. She raises an eyebrow and looks over at the woman picking up a burnt and exploded egg. The doctor sighs and walks over.
“The… fiftieth one, I presume?” The woman dumped the egg in the trashcan and stood up, brushing off her radiation apron.
“Ah, yes. I think that’s the number now and that red light outside the room is there for a reason. I’ve stopped counting, really. I think we’re missing something. Maybe if you actually showed up once and a while we might figure it out, but in the mean time we’ll be keeping this up, depleting our funds. I suppose your funds, too.”
“I’ve got unlimited funds, major. You’re on your last limb. If you cannot find a break-through, you’re done here.” The woman glared at her and strode out of the room.
“I’ve told you, I am not a major anymore. Remember this super-secret top-security organisation we’re in? My home country thinks I am DEAD now, not many dead majors.”
“You mean not many active dead majors.”

Year Seven

I was putting my old blueprints away when it happened. An assistant I was rather fond of was in the room. He started shaking and shivering. I began to move over to him to see what was wrong when I started shaking and shivering too. His eyes were wide and he was staring off into nothing. I could not help but do the same. I saw things.

There was the entire nation, the world encompassed by my fellow Homo sapiens. We were all linked together, I could feel it. I did not feel safe. We were not happily linked, but there was a part of me scared. I was frightened. Something was wrong and it was disastrous. I wanted to cry out; I most likely did. All of us were afraid and we all knew it. What we were afraid of exactly, I am unsure. It was big and it was inevitable. There was no stopping it. We knew it would spread and fast. It shall encompass the entire world and Homo sapiens will be no more.

I fell forward, screaming. I had lost my balance. The assistant looked up at me, sweating and breathing hard. “It has begun,” he said. His eyes were wide.

Year Eight

I looked over my blueprints and my notebooks on last time before I stood up. I had work to do, a lot of work. Every scientist on the compound is being forced to go to a meeting. I have too much work to do and this epidemic break-out of a deviant strain of something unknown is not in my field. I do not care, not yet. All scientists within this compound do not concern themselves deeply in other fields. It pulls them away from accomplishing their own work. Dr Lydia is the only one I know that concerns herself too much into the realm of Dr Heind’s little medical playthings.

I sighed and began to close everything down: lights, computer, everything but the device monitoring my machine of time. This meeting I was forced to go to is to decide on Dr Heind’s future at this compound. Because he has not produced a specific result for two years, all the scientists must decide whether or not his current work is important enough to allow Dr Heind to stay. These meetings normally do not fare well for the scientists in question but Dr Heind is high up in our politics. I wish for him to leave. He unnerves me.

Year Nine

I made the final adjustments on my machine. This new power system should work. The last one produced a poisonous and flammable gas within the life form when it was forced to enter the speed of light, the speed at which we may travel time. At first I thought it was the travelling itself, but I refused that to be the case. Why would metal survive but my hardy little eggs should not? This time I used my own version of the Tipler cylinder instead of electromagnetism. My Tipler cylinder did indeed rotate, but it was not forced to such an ungainly length and could go anywhere it needed or wanted instead of only being able to go where it has already been. There was my original circular and rotating piece, but I added into it a cylinder which pumped up and down in the middle of the circular piece. This created the correct type of friction to create a miniature black hole for the time it was moving. The cylinder held several rare crystals which were the power source for creating the black hole. The crystals restored energy by the active life forms around them. Only human or another life form as mentally active as that could power up a crystal.

With these new modifications, I hoped for my egg to survive. I donned my apron and helmet and gloves and began to turn on my machine. Unlike the last one, this must be turned on by outside force. No computer was capable of doing so. It required an arcane knowledge, something only known by someone in tune to the space-time continuum. Every control changed slightly compared to where, when, who and what was. I specified the when and pulled the lever to begin the process. I stepped back as the circular and cylindrical pieces moved and rotated. There was a power surge, the lights in the lab dimmed. I could hear, no feel the rushing of the crystals working and the black hole forming. The egg sat silently. The lights went out. When they returned, my machine was gone. I looked at my watch.

Year Ten

We were all called into the medical conference-room today. Dr Heind and his assistants were solemn. Their medical experiments on a handful of unfortunate individuals were not going well. The team was in trouble. They could not figure out what this epidemic was, how to cure it and whether or not the occurrence a few days ago was actually related to the epidemic and how did that occurrence happen in the first place. The first victim they knew about was in Cardiff, Wales. It was a young man, Captain Ian Middler. He was a pilot. He fell ill; the doctors thought it was a seizure. After he died, a doctor who witnessed the autopsy noticed it as an odd case. Two days later, Jeremy Tindelman came in with the same symptoms. The doctor called us up and Tindelman came here. After the boy, there was Suzie Bates, Miranda McKay and Todd Derringer. They were all alike in their sickness. Then Colonel Jack Sumner came along and he ended up differently. Not only did he last longer, but he was able to show what happened psychologically to the patient; he became violent and bloodthirsty. After that, the next patients were in the same lot. If not held down, they would attempt to attack others. They let one loose on an animal once. The animal died.

After hearing their long plea for salvation, we began to vote. I pressed the No on the computerised ballot in front of me in an assured manner. No matter that he was the best doctor we had, there was something wrong. This entire matter was wrong. I did not want him working on this epidemic or anything remotely near it. Of the people who voted sat silently as the others meditated on the offer. Everyone was given an hour to decide.

Year Eleven

It had been only twenty minutes after the voting began when it all started. My assistant ran into the room. “You need to turn on the telly, Major. Channel 3, news.”

I went to my computer and ran the channel through. The news footage had already started. At the bottom of the screen, there was a call number for specific medical help and to stay where you were. The newscaster reported, “-And do not panic. I repeat, do not panic. For all who are in Cardiff and the surrounding outskirts, this is quarantine. Stay where you are. For those who just tuned in, Cardiff as been quarantined. An epidemic has gone out of control and medical professionals are attempting to see what they can do. Do not attempt to reach your loved ones within the city, you could become infected. Officials have got this under control and are doing all that they can to reduce the victims-” I began to record the report and left the lab. I did not need to see this now. It only confirmed my suspicions on Dr Heind. This was most assuredly the disease that has claimed so many of their patients and baffled the entire medical branch. Even the timing was suspicious and blatantly so.

I entered the voting room and looked up at the counter. The vote for Yes had risen from when I left. He was going to stay. I left.

Year Twelve

I was in the lab taking readings. I was still unsure of where my machine went. It was not unusual for this to happen. If I got it wrong, it would not come back, hopefully in my life time, but there was a possibility of it just disappearing. I sighed, not only did I lose my machine but I was also waiting for my reprimand. We were not supposed to drain the base’s power; it tended to make the government suspicious.

My readings showed me nothing, so I sat down at my computer and waited. Sure enough, the Council’s courier appeared and handed me a letter. Just as I reached out for it, the lights dimmed, flickered and ended. There was black pitch of nothing and then I heard a sound; it was the sound of rotating cylinders and circles. It was not squeaky or un-oiled, but not smooth either. The sound was of a machine working, the parts creating friction and doing precisely what they are supposed to do. The sound ended and the light reappeared. My machine had returned. I momentarily looked at the courier’s surprised face then ran over to the machine and opened it up. Sitting there was a quaint little omelette on a plate, a fork and a note. I was puzzled. I picked up the note. It said:
- Good job, you are on the right track. Try not being so enthusiastic next time; the machine is more sentient than you realise.

I looked at the note fondly, and picked up the omelette and fork. I offered them to the courier, who shook his head quickly. He left.

Year Thirteen

An irate Dr Lydia entered my lab, where I was polishing my machine. I was ready to send her off again. This time I was going to take that advice and try not to be so strong in my emotions. I did not want to have to rely on some other person or possibly even the future me, to return my machine.
“You realise the trouble you are in for this, major? The government is homing in on our position. They are beginning to figure it out. They are not stupid, you know that. We have enough on our hands than dealing with your disgusting pet project. Dr Heind and his men are trying to fix this horrific mess and one more clue to the government and everything will be lost. From now on, you are to suspend all work and shall be confined to your quarters.” Five detaining personnel entered the room.

Year Fourteen

The lights showed red. The alarm sounded. Heavy iron doors cut the compound into quarantined sections. Dr Lydia Chovsky readied her single-hand shotgun and ran towards the quarters. She pounded twice on one of the doors which were reinforced like all quarantine doors. Five knocks came from inside. Dr Lydia swiped her card on the door and pressed seven numbers on the number pad. The door retracted and Major Ophelia Courts found herself with a single-hand shotgun pointed at her face.
“Your name?” said Dr Lydia. Major Courts raised an eyebrow.
“ I am Major Ophelia Courts, or rather ex-Major Ophelia Courts.”
“Good, and where are we and what is your purpose?”
“The location is classified and I have no bleeding clue what my purpose is. I like physics, though, especially the kind that deals with time.”
Dr Lydia glared at the Major and said, “I ought to shoot you just for being so damn cheeky. If you haven’t heard, that alarm means quarantine. The compound has been compromised.”
“What happened?”
“Everything. The human race is dying. The entire world has been compromised, if you wanted to get technical. It was the unknown epidemic Dr Heind was working on. It continued to mutate. He never figured it out, no one did.”
“And why take me out of quarantine?”
“You know how to run the time machine. Your assistant tried to, but it did nothing. It just sat there. We figured you put a lock on it.”
“I did not. It is sentient, must not have liked him.”

The Indict

One of the new Council members came into my tent. He came to report that there had been a sighting of a group of humans in the woods outside of camp and they looked Diseased. He said that the camp was beginning to pack up, just as planned. If any single human was seen outside of the camp members then we were to move forward in time. We did not want to take chances. Chances meant death.
I started to pack everything. All my belongings, all work and notes, my futon and tent was packed and brought into the time machine. It was bigger than I first made it. Dr Lydia and my assistants had hooked it up to larger ship. The original was still there, thankfully. The last bits and pieces of the camp came in when a group appeared over the ridge: the Diseased. The doors locked shut. We sat there momentarily, staring at the group. I could barely recognise them. They had not aged, but so much as changed. They were filthy and wild and ill. They were travel-wearied from time. We could not help but stare at our old colleagues. Dr Lydia and Dr Heind were there. Dr Heind had fallen before I was let out of my quarters but I had witnessed Dr Lydia being attacked and bitten. I was forced to close the hatch on her.
I leaned forward and began to pull the levers: the one to the left, then to the upper right and then the fourth and fifth and sixth. My time machine reacted and began its rotations. On the fifteenth lever, or the indict as I liked to call it, I reached to major lever of power and switched it on. I looked up as we began to dematerialise.
I felt my machine ripping the continuum. We were alone, the machine and I. I felt its power surging through me. We re-materialised in Dr Lydia’s office. I had a chance to look at the papers on her desk. A medical report of Jeremy Tindelman was sitting there, ready to be faxed to Dr Heind. I felt the ripping again and felt us moving forward. I appeared and appeared. I witnessed the creation of my machine and witnessed the experimentations done on the victims of the Disease. I watched myself smile with pride when the machine came back with the omelette and note and I laughed to myself at the courier’s surprised face. I materialised in the security room during the quarantine. Everyone was dead; they had shot themselves or swallowed the proper cyanide pills issued. I looked at the screens, watching everything happen. I saw Dr Lydia and I running to my machine. I watched passively as I saw Dr Heind and his assistants stumble forward and intercept Dr Lydia and I. I was ahead of them and looked back when I heard a scream. Dr Heind leapt forward and Dr Lydia was brought down. He bit her. She screamed and shot him in the face. I had already reached my machine and opened went through the hatch. I looked behind and saw Dr Lydia running towards me. I closed the hatch and the machine started up.

My machine and I reappeared in a medical lab. Dr Heind was alone. He looked up at me and I could not help but stare at him. He raised his hand and dropped the phial he was holding. It broke. He calmly walked forward and pressed the alarm button. Lights showed red and the medical quarantine began. My chest started to feel heavy. I had trouble breathing. My machine began flashing back and forth. I could feel my machine was hurt. The rotations were struggles. The power was failing. It struggled backwards; I felt it searching through my childhood. It zoned in to Cardiff. It felt a great surging power from there. We materialised in an old hangar bay, in a corner behind some crates. A captain was washing on of the older planes wistfully. He looked over to where I appeared.

A/N: The blogger messed up the layout of the story, so I did the best I could (so no indented paragraphs randomly and such).

For those of you still wondering, an indict is fifteen years. It is no longer in use for measuring time, but I liked the word too much. It sounded faintly scary and intense. I hoped that this story reflected it, but at least I tried and that counts for something. On the other hand, I might change the ending. I am still a bit unsettled on it. It seems all too deus ex machina (in a bad way, I assume) and there are loopholes in it. I'll see how others feel about it.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Perfect Love Story (and for a warning, it is lesbian)

She entered the classroom. What was she doing here? She should be in history class right now. I scrunched down in my chair, trying to avoid her more than the stares directed to me. I was disrupting class again and she was in front of me. The teacher had excused me, but I refused to move, or rather I could not move. She was standing and was so pretty. She had a beret in her hair and was looking so pretty. It certainly turned heads.
“Hey, Vennie Charles,” she called. “You’re late for our meeting. They told me to come find you.” I looked up her, surprised. How could I have forgotten?
I forced myself to stand and slung my satchel onto my shoulder. I mumbled a “sorry, excuse me” and walked out of the room. She followed me out.
“You’re lucky to get out of Schrider’s class,” she said. “I hate math. I don’t understand it at all.” She smiled warmly as she looked at me. I got butterflies in my stomach when she did that. She was so beautiful.
“Well, I’m not that bad at that. It’s just boring. He drones on and on. I can’t help but drift off. I sit by the window, doesn’t help at all.” I laughed happily.
I looked at her face and then away. It’s her hair, I think. Her hair was a deep, dark brown and long. She was an athlete. She played soccer. She was taller than me, too. She wasn’t the first one I would pick in the crowd, but she played soccer so beautifully. It amplified and made her radiate. We continued down the hallway and I stuck my hands into my pockets. It was a hopeless dream to be her girlfriend. Harriet Burman was not a lesbian.
“So,” she said. “What experience do you have in soccer? Do you have a favourite position? I’ve never seen you play before.”
“Position? I don’t know. I don’t know any. I’ve never played sports before, not outside gym, that is.” I smiled and looked at her. “What is yours?” I said. “I’ve only seen you play goalie. You’re great at that.” I looked away. I loved watching her play goalie. I’ve watched her play ever since freshman year and I am in my senior year.
“Being goalie is all I know how to do.” She laughed and opened the door. “Here we are.”
The meeting began and ended. All of the members flocked to me, trying to recruit me to their favourite position. I knew nothing of soccer, only of what I saw from Harriet. I was afraid of being goalie because Harriet would have to coach me. I’d die if she did that. I’d burn up and die of embarrassment and love. I stood up despairingly. I regretted joining the club. The entire thing was completely embarrassing. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do now. I had missed lunch and by the time I got my books put away, everyone had fled.
I turned to the door and she was standing there. She had a friendly smile.
“Hey, you missed lunch, didn’t you?” she said.
I nodded.
“Then you wouldn’t mind eating during my period? Best stick together!” She kept smiling.
“I do have a free period. I was going to do an essay, but I’m so hungry!” I said. “I’ll run over to Radcliff’s room and sign in. We’ll meet you outside. Is that okay? I always eat under the trees.”
“Do you? Coincidence! I like eating outside better too.
I hated facing Radcliff. She always left a bitter taste in my mind. I was too happy, though. It made me so happy to finally be able to eat lunch with her. I get a period to be with her! We don’t have any classes together and I only saw her on the field. I finally get actual time to be with her and not in front of the entire soccer club.
I walked down the hallway and opened the doors that led to the outside.
There was Harriet Burman.
There was a man.
They were kissing.
My eyes burned.
I ran into the hallway, another hallway to the right and down that forever and then, finally, up stairs until I reached the very top and out onto the roof. I stopped running. The wind had picked up and whipped out at me. I huddled against the wall. I just laid there. I felt like screaming, crying, tearing myself apart and those pieces float away into the wind. I wanted the wind to pick up harder and harder and whip me. I felt stupid.
Then the door opened.
“That wasn’t what you thought it was,” she said. “I don’t like him. I want to let you that. I didn’t want that to happen. It wasn’t my choice. He made me.”
I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t answer her. The wind toned down.
She walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I sprang away from her and hid myself on the other side of the doorway. I was crying. She followed.
“I’m sorry if you liked him,” she said. Her eyes were tear-stained.
I shifted away from her. “I wanted you,” I said.
Her eyes opened wide. Her mouth hung open a little. “Oh,” she said. She brought her hand up to her hair and looked down.
“I loved you since I saw you on the field,” I said. “First game of your freshman year.”
I moved out of my crouch and wiped my face and smiled. “I guess you don’t like me then,” I said. “No chance of that? You’re one for the men?”
She looked at me with a confused expression. “Oh, no,” she said. “I suppose I owe you the truth. I don’t really like-men.”
I blinked. She coughed.
She walked towards me and tugged at her ear. She looked down at me in my sitting position. She kissed my forehead. I fainted.
I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling. I sat up slowly and looked around. I appeared to be in a bed, the bed in the nurse’s room to be precise. I looked around and Harriet entered the room. She gave me an embarrassed smile, scratched her head, gave a quick look to me and fixed her gaze on the sink. “Awake, I see. Good.”
“I fainted.” She nodded. “You’re cute and I couldn’t help it.” She looked surprised by my forwardness.
“Oh, well. I guess I won’t kiss you anymore, right? I can’t keep taking you to the nurse’s office.”
“You’re so mean!” I acted indignant. She sat on my bed.
“Are you alright though? I didn’t think you were going to faint.”
I looked abashed, it was pretty embarrassing. “It was too much for me to handle! I was emotion-ed out. First I thought I was going to be able to eat with you, then you and that guy were kissing and then you kissed me!”
“Do you accept?” She leaned over me, her hands on either side of me so she looked directly so she was looking directly into my eyes.
“My proposal!” She sat up.
“What proposal?”
“You’re so THICK! So never mind.” She crossed her arms.
“What proposal? You never said anything! How can I accept something if I don’t know what it is?” She leaned in to my face. We were inches apart, noses barely touching and eye to eye.
“My proposal to date you.” She was so close; all I could see was her.
“Oh. That kind of proposal. Well-“ I looked down.
“TOO LATE!” She stood up and started to walk to the door.
“Wait, what do you mean ‘too late’? I accept! I accept!” She spun around and looked at me.
“Are you serious?”
“Well, are you serious?”
“I asked first.”
She looked at me impatiently and collapsed exasperatedly.
“Yes, I’m serious.”
“So am I.”
We smiled happily at each other for a frozen moment.
I leaned over and kissed her.

A/N: Some people in my fiction class asked whether or not this was from personal experience, and no, it was not. I just felt like writing a love story and it turned out to be two women.

Everyone loved it, a LOT. Ross tried to make it better (suggestions) and everyone basically growled and stood firm that it was perfect. I was rather unhappy about the beginning. Ross ripped my story apart and typed up a version (using purely only MY sentences, so adding nothing of his own work) and we had an 'exercise' with that for class. It did not go well. Everyone just thought it was perfect how it was (I felt bad for Ross, because he was correct. There were things that needed changing). This is the final version (I had originally posted up the first one, which was much longer. It used to be up to 8-9 pages, now it is 5).

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


The bell on the door tinkled as my partner lumbered in – the uncovered ceiling light swung back and forth. He shouldered off his great winter coat and tossed it into a chair and he began to take off his scarf – shaking off the rain-freezed-to-snow. His face was skewered by that ridiculous cap he always wore.
“Can’t you just throw that bleeding grungy cap out? You look like some filthy Holmes,” I said as I shifted my in my creaky, red-brown wooden chair. I put my feet onto the desk.
“What do you mean by ‘filthy Holmes’? If I’ve got to be Holmes, then you’re bleeding Watson. Better be filthy than that tosser. Go fetch my mug of tea, Watson! Come on, chop-chop old chap. I don’t have all-”
“Oh sod off, you bastard. Even if you were Holmes, you would’ve noticed that tea bin. Make a terrible Holmes, you would. T’was your turn to buy the tea, remember? But it didn’t cross your mind one moment, did it? Told you last night and don’t bother denying it. I did.” I crossed my arms.
“Didn’t – didn’t cross my mind! It surely did! The shops were closed, you know that. I did not have a single pence or quid this morning. I spent it all on the rent for my dear, lovely old landlady and some nosh – supper and this morning’s brekkers.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, “Oh!! Did I not pay you enough? You’re the one complaining, HA! I ought to be the one ratting down on you. You took what? Twenty quid, was it? Robbery!” My friend was about to protest, “Ah!! Ah!! From my own dearest friend! Nay, my closest brother! If this is disappointing, then there is more of this atrocity! You know what that twenty quid was for?” I stood up and walked over to him, point my finger at him. “Bleeding whores, that’s what. Not a damn pence went to you dear old landlady. Not a damn quid to the nosh – no, plump little sausages for brekkers, no slices of toast with jam, no biscuit for your tea. No tea, even! Oh, now don’t look at me with that indignant face, you bleeding wanker. It’s all over you! That’s the shirt you wore yesterday, still got the bloodstains. Your shoes and jacket are covered in mud, from falling into the puddle outside the brothel. You were too smashed to avoid it. Your breath reeks of liqueur. Then there’s the cap. That thing is doused in liqueur, reeks of the unique and very harsh lavender scent that the frisky little ladies down at the Red Fox drench themselves in. No sir, I owe you nothing.” I walked over to my desk and pulled out a small little box and popped it open - out came the finest cigarette I am able to buy. I snapped the box closed and shut the drawer. I stuffed a hat on and slipped on my jacket. I opened to door to the rainy outside and flicked my thumb and index together, producing my ever-favourite flame to light the cigarette. I was about to exit when I looked back at my partner. “Throw out that cap, will you? The ‘murderer’ will know what hit him even if he’s all the way in bleeding Scotland.”


This was an one-class assignment for fiction. We were supposed to do everyday conversation. Which I tried to do, yea, but my original intent was to have these magic-users as a sort of noir Sherlock Holmes and Watson characters. Of course we weren't allowed to use much prose either, so I just hint that they use magic. The 'Watson', or the partner who stole twenty quid, could manipulate liquid. Make them hot or cold or what. The 'Holmes' conducts heat. He creates flames, manipulates them. Sort of fond of these two, even though this piece doesn't really show what I had in mind for 'em. The Watson was a portly man, short and a bit gruff. The Holmes was thin, slender and tall. Not very rough looking, but more of a bright man. Oh well... Hope to keep the two in mind (and hopefully name to poor two men).

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Well, I was hoping to weave a Halloween story, but it seems as though this year's Halloween fell just a little short. No real costume, no real story... Ah, well. I had some lovely potato soup (very, very good potato soup).

On to the next business, apparently it is the new month. Not a real shocker, the months change 11 times a year. However this would then mean that it is the 'official' start of the 227 Blackwell Society of Fiction. At least... I suppose it is the official start. The club never really was approved by the school officials. Just sort of... us doing what we do (meaning my little group). I'm not sure when the club gets officialised (by the school). Not that it matters, of course. It will go on as long as we keep it up (hopefully we will).

((Note: the 227 Blackwell Society of Fiction is a silly little writing club with an overly pretentious name and therefore, much fun)).

We will have to get together and throw some challenges around. I do believe I have got a few, and in the mean time I shall continue to write. I have already wasted a few hours on silly frivolous idiocies (The Flying Circus might not exactly be an idiocy, but it is silly). Oh dear.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Blood, interesting. What about a book on blood?

Having just finished reading Bill Haye's Five Quarts, my mind is filled with interesting little facts on blood. Things such as "what those weird little sticks of red, white and blue swirls hanging outside barber shops really are" (Barbers, in medieval times, were also small-time doctors, and the red equals blood, blue equals veins, white equals bandages and the stick represents the stick the patient held during bloodletting) and the history of Queen Victoria's little family (and their giant blood problems). However there were parts that were dull.

Mainly the parts with his personal history of blood. The author is quite interesting himself. Not many seem to be so open (or is it that there are not so many?) about being a gay man. Some of the stories he adds in about his family (he is the only son among five sisters) or about his lover (Steve) and him. This could all be a baised opinion from just finishing An Unquiet Mind (written by Kay Jamison) which was dull, dull and very dull (quite the opposite, it seems, from everyone else's opinion). Or possibly from my lack of complete enjoyment from non-fiction. Non-fiction, if not interesting from the start, is very boring to me (and hence my lack of enjoyment of An Unquiet Mind).

I would recommend it to other people, most certainly. It has quite a few things to learn from. As a very important daily substance, blood is overlooked. People do not want to talk about it. It is just one of those social forbiddens. Reading the book is exquisitely informative. Little things that make you go "Ah!!! I get it now!!" (One example would be why we wear wedding bands on our fourth finger on our left hand). Little fun trivial facts (and I do ever so love those).

Overall, the style of Bill Hayes is a bit put-offish, a bit like Tracey Kidder, who wrote Mountains Beyond Mountains. However unlike Kidder's or Jamison's style, it is more on the mediocre side. A voice that, if not in the mood, would seem dreadfully boring, but if in the mood, be interesting. It all depends. A book that you must read with something else to break it apart (for me, it was Neil Gaiman's Fragile Things, another book to not read in one sitting... but for a completely different reason*). In conclusion, if you find a book about blood interesting, go out and buy it. If not at all, then do not bother. Not yet, at least.

* Fragile Things is a collection of short fictions, and if you read them all at once, they clash and run together and ruin themselves. If spaced out, they're wonderful.

The Rubble of Men.

The men stood apart from each other, languidly and not taking notice of their farewell ration of the rare hot chocolate. A Private Charles Finn leaned against a piece of rubble with his helmet on his knee and the hot chocolate in his left hand. His eyes saw nothing, took in nothing. Another Private, Kent Bramble, sat unsupported and stared at one of the guarding soldiers, one of the men issued to aim the rifle and fire. He was a tall man, with a mustache, and held a look that showed his lack of opinion on his orders. Private Kent Bramble wished this man to be the one with the bullet in his rifle.

One of the issued soldiers was staring at the Private Peter Henley, who was crouched and hugging himself, facing the rubble landscape and muttering to himself of his insanity.

The last Private, Bernard Lindleman watched the landscape, taking in the beauty of destruction. He didn't touch his hot chocolate, but held a clean head, unlike Private Peter Henley or Private Charles Finn or Private Kent Bramble, who were lost to the world. He did not touch his hot chocolate because he tended to feel as though it did not suit him to drink hot chocolate. He then took in the rubbled church in which was to be their dying ground. It found him ironic, for he refused in the belief of gods.

The four Privates awaited the Final Order. An army jeep's engine was heard and after a few moments it appeared. Within it was a the man to give the orders and the witness. The witness was a photographer and so took the last photo Private Charles Finn, Private Kent Bramble, Private Peter Finley and Private Bernard Lindleman would ever have.

The seven soldiers who recieved the orders took a draw, to take which rifle. Private Charles Finn was ordered to stand over to a spot and had his crimes read to him. His crime was refusal to orders and cowardice. He stood, thinking about the reason why he didn't drink his hot chocolate. He refused it for his French wife would make the best he could remember. She had died though, in Verdun, from German cannon fire. As he was thinking of the first time he had tasted her hot chocolate and knew that they would be together by marriage, he was shot. He was glad for that last memory, for it was one of his favourites.

The rifles were given back and the process was repeated as the dead person was put into the jeep. Private Kent Bramble stood in his spot to die. His crime was refusal to orders and cowardice. He thought of how the soldier, who he wished would be the man to kill him, was his brother. He looked like him, held the same manner as him. It made Private Kent Bramble sad to think that his brother would not survive the war. Or that he died several months ago, helping his mother flee Marne. The seven soldiers fired. Private Kent Bramble stared at the soldier who killed him. His brother, he was sure, had killed him.

The Private Peter Finley screamed out his insanity as he was pulled to his dying spot. He was read his crimes, as he screamed how he was insane. His crime was refusal to orders and cowardice. His mind replayed images of his long months of laying in a sickly bed, recovering from shellshock. With his fever, he deliriumed of his wife bringing him baked pies and bowls of his favourite soups. Two months after his shellshock he was brought news from a fellow soldier that his wife and his children had fleed to the States. It broke him, for he felt them leave him to die in this war. He would refuse to fight, saying he was not well. He, in his yelling, felt warm blood spreading and soaking his uniform. It was when he realised that he had no children and refused to believe in his wife.

Private Bernard Lindleman was lost in his viewing of the fine scenery he would die in. He heard the last shot and stood up uncounsiously. While he was drowning in the beauty of destruction, he had counted the shots. One of the men led him to his spot to die. They asked if he wanted a blindfold and he told them no, there was too much destruction to look at. He heard the men read his crimes and found it monotonous. His crime was refusal to orders. He was never a coward. As he searched with his eyes, he found a piece of broken church that was positively lovely. He was shot there, sketching the piece of rubble in his mind.


This took place... well... not precisely during WWI or WWII. It took place in a world of the collaboration of the two. Think of it as the setting of WWI and the ideals of WWII (well... the same type of ideals, not the exact same reasonings). ((Ah, and yes. I realise that they would most certainly have their eyes covered, but this is a different world. The times are not so soft. There is a high honour system and these men were probably worse than dirt to a proud citizen of the empire they belonged to.)) There are times when I write about this war. Not in chronological order, but they're there. The reason why I wrote this was because of an article a while ago that appeared on the BBC newsletter: pardoned soldiers.

I must say, Private Bernard Lindleman was probably my most favourite of them. He was initially an artist, really. He was sort of that solemn, serious, heavy-reader, quiet artist. I'm pretty sure he took photographs. He isn't the painter sort.

Private Kent Bramble must have been my second favourite. He loved his brother. After he was bedridden (trench fever, the same for all of them... well, except Lindleman), he recieved news that his brother and mother died in a sort of Blitzkrieg. Devestated, he wanted some sort of realise. Having a man who looked incredibly alike his brother gave him the precise realise he would have wanted. ((Of course, you don't get all of this in the story, really. Ah... well. Faulty writing?))

To those of you actually out there.

Well, yes. There is hardly anything here. Sighs. Ah, well... due to the terrible-ness of school. I'd wake up (6:30), be at school ('till 16:10), sleep at home ('till 18:00), do homework ('till 23:00) and when I would finally sit down with pen in hand and notebook in front, I'd stare. I would be there for quite some time until I shoved off, studied for SATs and read (this would start from 00:30 to 1:00 and end at 2:00, which is when I go to sleep). I realise it is most likely my lack of sleep. I get four hours (and that means I have a twenty hour day). Which is all due to the incompatability of my night-owl ways and the rest of the world's early bird ways. I write better at night, sadly enough.

Anyways, that would be the reason why I do not have as much as I wanted up here. It is not a writer's block that stops me, really, but a stubborn block that just doesn't want to do work anymore. Ah, well... I shall try and post up some of my older stuff tonight. (And hopefully edit them along the way).

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The first little snipit over here.

The Story of the Monsoon

The Fire Bird always told the coming of the monsoon. She rose, chasing the bones of her lover in the same fate as Sisyphus to his rock and stone. Impossibilities to no end.
They would note the coming from the Fire Bird’s blazing display. She would rise, her feathers moulting the white flame and her shrieking cries never-ending for two weeks. By the end of her warning her shrieks and cries died out and white flames burned to nothing.
The men and women uncharacteristically equalled shares in the work and preparations during the two weeks warning. No time must be spared unless one wished for the monsoon to devour them.
Men sprinkled un-birthing elixir among the plants and fields as women dismantled the homes of mud and planted their doors of ash. Children kissed their rocks goodbye and returned to the land.
As garments unravelled and stone sheep returned to bone and flesh, the winds of the monsoon would sound in the deep-hearted men and the Bones of the Lover of the Fire Bird entered into the sky. With their last look at their rumbling husbands, the women entered the rivers.
The men stood in the barrenness of their undoing and boomed. The longer they stood, the longer they rumbled. The leader of all men fell into the monsoon first, as all leaders tend to do. As the followers of all men, the men did their duty and entered into monsoon.
With the men gone, and the rumbling wind everywhere, the sheep shivered and the doors shook as the children started quaking. The leader of all children did as a leader did and the Earth broke by his power. The child had entered monsoon. Children are all leader and all followers, and so the Earth was torn as they entered into monsoon.
The Earth dampened and the sky fell as the leader of all women washed away the life. The water rose and all sheep were lost and all doors floated like the forests from the olden days. The followers of all women did as followers do and drowned all life.
The Bones of the Lover of the Fire Bird shimmered n a briefest moment, but then the Fire Bird came upon the horizon. She caught just the glimpse of his bone-tail and her white flame ended monsoon.


This was written a while ago, in the summer. It was in the first week of school. Must have been. I remember myself freaking out that I needed to sleep, but I could not and so I knew I would be tired the next day. It was around 3am and I was half asleep. Was laying there in bed and went into one of those "I'm perfectly aware of this dream, yet I am asleep" type dreams. It all started with this people, in tunics or weird tribal-esque clothing, in this terribly barren wasteland. Or rather, "not lush". The houses were of mud and there were sparse fields of plants in the dirt (not sand, a sort of dirt) and door-trees (rather, doors stuck in the ground as though a tree) and a single river that was behind the village. The sun was a giant fire bird, rather like a phoenix. There was positively nothing to do, it seemed.

So I woke up. I snatched up a pen and sketched this down (in a rather untidy and sleepy fashion). I thought that if the sun was a giant fire bird, than she must be chasing something. And so I thought "bones". The moon was her dead lover. Decomposed to nothing but silver-white bones. And due to a spell, she must chase them forever (all she wishes to do is to breath life back into them, but a cruel witch or god placed a curse so for her to never be able to reach them).

And so what IS the monsoon? I do not know. I am not sure if I truly wish to know. It seems as though that it is night. I suppose it could be dreams or possibly it is just what it is: a storm. I like the thought of it to be the people entering dreamland, though. If you think about it, it makes it lose its beauty and illusions. It is better off as a "monsoon". ((On the contrary, I do not know why that popped into my mind in the first place. Monsoon is such a weird thing to think of.))

I had a lot of fun with this story, I must say. It is so random and weird. I remember, after writing it, looking over it quickly and not understanding one bit as to why I wrote it. I never thought about it, really. It was just written down. One of those little special pieces given from the gods, I suppose.

Pilot Post.

Well. This is it. This is the first post ever. I do not have much to say, really. Besides "posting for a first post". I do have a livejournal, though. I suppose I'll post something, once I have something worth posting.